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1) Create an account και 2) Get the coupon and make your purchases.

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About us

The people behind MyTeam, connect Fans with Merchants / Businessmen and their favorite Team for the benefit of all three parts: Discounts for Fans (better prices), growth in business for Merchants/ Businessmen and revenue for Sports Associations.

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Our Philosophy

MyTeam concept

MyTeam came up as an idea when we were involved as parents in non- professional sports associations mainly for our children. But it also came from our love for Sports, which definitely play a very important role in the formation of character for both children and adults.

We realized that a common feature of Non- Professional Sports Associations is the tight financial situation which significantly complicates their management, development and often determines their existence.

Those of us who keep up with the developments in the field of Professional Sports (FC, BC, TAP, etc.) understand that this field also suffers from regular (and timeless) financial problems, which in essence determine (and have already determined) the course of many iconic Teams. Many are the examples regardless of the Team’s colors.

The idea was so innovative that a lot of people liked it, but a few believed that it would actually work. And yet, it is so simple . . .

The people behind MyTeam (Sports Team Private Company, TIN: 801122814, General Trade Register Nr.: 149623006000) connect Fans with Merchants / Businessmen and their favorite Team. We wanted this fruitful cooperation to be reflected in our corporate logo with the three circles.

The power of your team… is you!

MyTeam and
Sports Fans

MyTeam.gr gives team fan subscribers the opportunity to make their daily purchases with a discount from the collaborators by supporting at the same time their favorite team with an equal amount. (Terms of use)

MyTeam and

Cooperating e-shops are offered an expansion of their clientele, as well as an increase in their profitability. Sports Fan motivation offers loyal customers and high traffic to a personalized business/ merchant profile that is provided FREE OF CHARGE! (Contact MyTeam)

MyTeam and
Sports Associations

MyTeam brings fans together with their teams, by supporting them financially and making them independent in the light of fans’ passion and love. (Contact MyTeam)

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